-I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship. I want to, I want the security and the feeling of knowing he’s mine, but I also want to go out and have fun with other guys, but the funny thing is, when I’m out and I see other guys all I can think about is him and I just want to be with him. But when I’m with him I feel like I need to have the option. Just for once I want a guy to try just as hard as I’m trying, someone to say “stop babbling and be my girlfriend”. But maybe that’s too much to ask..

-The best kind of kisses are unexpected,
unplanned ones. The ones that come naturally,
like in the middle of a sentence <3

-baby you were the first person
who actually made me feel
-There's this place in me where your
finger tips still rest... your kisses still
linger and your whispers softly echo...
It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.

-Love that remains longest in your heart is the one that is not returned
- it's a strange thing we do fall in love, knowing that
if that person we loved ever left us, it would
destroy us completely
--Dawson's Creek

-as I stand here looking at you, I wonder if there will ever be a day when I will get over your smile. when I will let go of the hugs you gave me, that I continue to feel. a day when I forget the words you said to me, but I know whatever happens to us, I know I could never get over, let go, or forget about you.




















Most guys look at a girl and decide based on their looks,
whether they'll give them a chance.
But you, you're something different.

-she's scared to tell him because of that one stupid boy
that led her on, made her believe he actually liked her,
then just told her it was over. don't you get it? she's
afraid to love because of that one boy </3

-i still remember our first kiss.
it was awkward at the
beginning &
my stomach had butterflies.
your lips were so soft against mine.
I'll never forget it.

-i just want someone to show me that i'm beautiful
i've forgotten what love is
or maybe i just never knew.

-In everyones past theres a love they'll never forget.
A night that completely stole there heart.
&& the summer where it all began.

-When you don't look for love, love looks for you.
Therefore I'm not looking because the one
you find might not love you,
so I'll wait for the one who loves me;
the one who finds me

-For once in my life my heart is
in a place where it wants to be,
& I not afraid of getting hurt  <3

-And even if we never talk again, please remember that I'm forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me

-I hope someday you'll find all my
quotes, all my words, and read them
all. I hope you'll know that they're
about you, and when you read them,
I hope that at least a single tear will
run down your pretty face.